Divadelní noviny Aktuální vydání 21/2024

Kulturní čtrnáctideník pro divadelníky a jejich diváky

Vychází za finanční podpory hlavního města Prahy, Ministerstva kultury ČR, Státního fondu kultury a Nadace Českého literárního fondu


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10. 12. 2024
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    Divadelní noviny > Festivaly

    Divadlo Plzeň 2012: Up & Down Andrey Hensel

    My favourite performance

    was Ingmar Bergman: Cries and Whispers by Andrej Serban. I was really impressed by the connection between theatre and film, the differenr narratives and the precisely dialectic of formand content which reminds on Brecht. It was a great performance!

    I was really liked

    Handa Gote´s Clouds because of its properly using of vontemporary historical documents, the connection of (personal) history which overlapps with the presence and at least the future.

    Thank you for the festival – I am really looking forward to the next year!

    Andrea Hensel, employee at the Institute for Theatre Studies at Leipzig / Germany


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