International Summer School 2016 – Divadelní noviny
Divadelní noviny Aktuální vydání 2/2025

Kulturní měsíčník pro divadlo a jiné umělecké obory

Vychází za finanční podpory hlavního města Prahy, Ministerstva kultury ČR, Státního fondu kultury a Nadace Českého literárního fondu


ročník 34
25. 2. 2025
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Divadelní noviny > Burza Zprávy

International Summer School 2016

Dear colleagues – dancers, performers, choreographers, actors, multidisciplinary artists, movement, dance and contemporary performance practitioners, the long-awaited summer 2016 is coming!


Join the annual international creative week in Austria – intensive practical training, group improvisations, thrilling discussions & discoveries, find new friends, share ideas & start new creative collaborations!

International Summer School 2016
July 2 – 9

The summer school takes place in the green heart of Austria – Styria state (in German „Steiermark“) located in the southeast of the country. Participants stay and work at the territory of the 15th century castle, which is today the modern international arts centre. Accommodation is organized in shared twin/single rooms at the castle guest house (7 nights), 3 meals per day are available for the group (vegetarian/non vegetarian at participant’s choice). The venue is surrounded by nature, fields and woods. The nearest international airports are located in Graz, Vienna and Klagenfurt. There is a train connection to the workshop town.

The working language is English.

Please view the program details & apply online,  the group is forming quickly, only limited number of spots is available:


Wish you good luck in your activities & hope to see you soon in Austria!

  • Autor:
  • Publikováno: 15. února 2016

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