Jsem víc než naštvaný
Jmenuji se Jon Voight a jsem víc než naštvaný, jsem zklamaný. Tak začíná dopis, který americký herec adresoval svým kolegům Javieru Bardemovi, Penelope Cruzové a dalším, podporujícím Palestinu proti Izraeli.
Oscarový herec není první, kdo veřejně zvedl hlas. Současné boje v pásmu Gazy podnítily střet mezi umělci z různých stran konfliktu. Nejprve vyšel ve Španělsku otevřený dopis obviňující Izrael z genocidy, který podepsalo devětadvacet tamních hvězd včetně Bardema, Cruzové či režiséra Pedra Almodóvara.
Okamžitě vyvolal polemiky, z nichž média odvodila, že evropští umělci stojí víc za Palestinou a američtí spíš za Izraelem, ač jsou i opačné výjimky. Bardem posléze své výroky zmírnil dodatečným prohlášením, kde zmiňuje svou „velkou úctu vůči lidu Izraele a hluboký smutek nad jeho ztrátami.“
Zpěvačka Rihanna svůj vzkaz o svobodné Palestině po vlně kritiky smazala, jiní přidávali vysvětlivky, že podporují „Palestinu, ne Hamás“. Na stranu Izraele se zase staví Scarlett Johanssonová nebo Howard Stern.
Nejostřeji se do Bardema obul v otevřeném dopisu „půlnoční kovboj“ Voight. Dokázali jste se proslavit a zbohatnout, protože žijete v demokratické zemi. Myslíte, že byste byli schopni toho dosáhnout v Íránu, Sýrii, Libanonu? ptá se herec. Podle něj nesou právě celebrity velkou zodpovědnost, musí tedy hájit „správnou věc“. Měli byste se stydět: jak zastavíte nyní vlnu antisemitismu? píše nositel Oscara za Návrat domů a otec herečky Angeliny Jolie.
Nabízíme úplné znění otevřeného dopisu Jona Voighta:
My name is Jon Voight and I am more than angry, I am heartsick that people like Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem could incite anti-Semitism all over the world and are oblivious to the damage they have caused.
They are obviously ignorant of the whole story of Israel’s birth, when in 1948 the Jewish people were offered by the UN a portion of the land originally set aside for them in 1921, and the Arab Palestinians were offered the other half. The Arabs rejected the offer, and the Jews accepted, only to be attacked by five surrounding Arab countries committed to driving them into the sea. But the Israelis won. The Arabs tried it again in 1967, and again in 1973, launching a sneak attack on the holiest Jewish holiday. Each time the Jews prevailed but not without great loss of life. And when Israel was not fighting a major war, it was defending itself against terrorist campaigns.
And yet Israel has always labored for a peaceful relation with its Arab neighbors. It voluntarily returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in return for peace, and gave the Palestinians all of Gaza as a peace gesture. What was the response? The Palestinians elected Hamas, a terrorist organization, and they immediately began firing thousands of rockets into Israel.
After years of trying to make peace, the wars they had to fight, being attacked by their enemies, and still being attacked, and finally after years of running into bomb shelters and having hundreds of civilians killed by suicide bombers, civilians being killed in their sleep, stabbed to pieces, finding enough is enough and finally retaliating, instead of my peers sticking up for the only democratic country in that region, they go and take out poison letters against them.
You have forgotten how this war started. Did Hamas not kidnap and kill three young teenagers for the sake of killing, and celebrated after the killing? What a travesty of justice.
I am asking all my peers who signed that poison letter against Israel to examine their motives. Can you take back the fire of anti-Semitism that is raging all over the world now?
You have been able to become famous and have all your monetary gains because you are in a democratic country: America. Do you think you would have been able to accomplish this in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, et cetera? You had a great responsibility to use your celebrity for good. Instead, you have defamed the only democratic country of goodwill in the Middle East: Israel.
You should hang your heads in shame. You should all come forth with deep regrets for what you did, and ask forgiveness from the suffering people in Israel.
/Převzato z The Hollywood Reporter/
Plné znění (ve španělštině) původního prohlášení Javiera Bardema, jeho ženy Penelope Cruz a dalších osobností hispánského světa a komentáře k němu najdete (mj.) zde: BDS, El Periódico Internacional, Time, JTA, Allen B. West, Deadline
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